Our Mission
The Winnipesaukee Sportsmen's Club is an organization that focuses on Safety and is community focused.
WSC Annual Banquet
Saturday, April 26th, 2025
Balmoral Club House, Moultonborough NH
Cocktails & Appetizers at 5:30 PM -- Dinner at 6:30 PM
Buffet by Hart’s Turkey Farm
• Hand carved whole Roasted Turkey with stuffing, gravy & cranberry sauce
• Hand carved Roast Beef with horseradish cream sauce
• Hand carved Baked Ham, fresh whipped potatoes & fresh butternut squash
• Carrot relish, Cold pickled beets & Cranberry Chutney
• Garden Salad & Fresh baked rolls and butter, Apple crisp & Coffee and water
Various Raffles – Diamondback Rifle with Scope tickets also available
The Wright Museum of World War II, located in Wolfeboro, NH, is excited to present a special talk at this year's banquet. Dive into captivating stories and learn about the incredible contributions of WWII-era Americans. Don't miss this unique opportunity to connect with fellow history enthusiasts and sportsmen alike.
55.00 per person (includes 3 raffle tickets)

2024 Sandwich Fair Booth
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the folks that volunteered this weekend at WSC’s booth at the Sandwich Fair. Through their efforts the club took in over $9000 to fund our yearly Scholarships as well as capital improvements to the range.
So, with that said, I offer my grateful thanks to Russ Wakefield, Phil Hoefs, Howie Chandler, Cindy Frye, Scott Mooney, Jeff Walker, Bill Wilson, Russ Goyette, Brad Rohdenburg, Bob & Jane Hammond, Susan Price, Kieth Sapack, Steve Bittner, Paul Dubuque and Alan Waldrip. The success we have had this year could not have been possible without the generous donation of your time.
I would also like the folks that showed up to help stuff the mailing envelopes in August.
The raffle winners were as follows.
The Ruger Precision Scholarship Gun Grayson Alosa
Mossberg Shotgun Combo Joe Canfield
Springfield Armory Garrison 1911 Ryan Cillo
$300 Gift Basket Jon Boudreau
Congratulations to our winners!
Kim Dubuque, WSC Sandwich Fair Chairperson

Shooting Time
Monday - Saturday
9AM to Sunset
11AM to Sunset